The International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 43, Issue 8, Page 1228-1249, July 2024.
Vision-based estimation of the motion of a moving target is usually formulated as a bearing-only estimation problem where the visual measurement is modeled as a bearing vector. Although the bearing-only approach has been studied for decades, a fundamental limitation of this approach is that it requires extra lateral motion of the observer to enhance the target’s observability. Unfortunately, the extra lateral motion conflicts with the desired motion of the observer in many tasks. It is well-known that, once a target has been detected in an image, a bounding box that surrounds the target can be obtained. Surprisingly, this common visual measurement especially its size information has not been well explored up to now. In this paper, we propose a new bearing-angle approach to estimate the motion of a target by modeling its image bounding box as bearing-angle measurements. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that this approach can significantly enhance the observability without relying on additional lateral motion of the observer. The benefit of the bearing-angle approach comes with no additional cost because a bounding box is a standard output of object detection algorithms. The approach simply exploits the information that has not been fully exploited in the past. No additional sensing devices or special detection algorithms are required.
发布者:Zian Ning,转转请注明出处: