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We know how busy everyone is each week, and with exciting news being released almost on a daily basis, it can be hard to keep on top of big announcements from the likes of Joby Aviation, Archer, Volocopter, BETA Technologies and Lilium.
The newsletter is easy to follow and includes mentions of all the companies featured that week, so you can give them a follow and stay up-to-date on their developments too.
eVTOL Insights also posts updates on their industry event schedule and various other projects it is working on, including their quarterly Special Reports and next monthly Clubhouse session, which is scheduled for Thursday, September 5th from 4.45pm to 5.30pm BST.
eVTOL Insights is currently organising its Europe Conference in London from November 13th to 14th, with ‘Early Bird’ tickets currently on sale until this Saturday, September 14th.
It will be then in California for its North America Conference and first event of 2025, which will be from April 9th to 11th.
You can subscribe to eVTOL Insights’ Newsletter on LinkedIn by clicking here and subscribing at the bottom of the page.
The post Stay updated on the global AAM market every week by subscribing to eVTOL Insights’ LinkedIn newsletter appeared first on eVTOL Insights.
The post Stay updated on the global AAM market every week by subscribing to eVTOL Insights’ LinkedIn newsletter appeared first on eVTOL Insights.